Did you know 11 Ways to Make High Heels More Comfortable

high heels

11 Methods for making High Heels More Agreeable


High heels are a staple in the world of fashion, adding elegance and sophistication to any outfit. However, wearing them for extended periods can often lead to discomfort and pain. Thankfully, there are various tricks and tips that can help make high heels more comfortable without sacrificing style.

In this article, we will explore 11 effective ways to alleviate the discomfort associated with wearing high heels, allowing you to strut confidently and painlessly.


Table of Contents

  1. Choose the Right Size
  2. Opt for Thick Heels
  3. Invest in Quality Brands
  4. Break Them In Gradually
  5. Use Gel Inserts
  6. Cushion with Moleskin
  7. Try Toe Taping
  8. Use Strappy Styles for Support
  9. Stretch Your Feet Regularly
  10. Alternate with Flats
  11. Elevate Your Feet

1. Choose the Right Size

Selecting the correct size is the foundation of comfortable high heels. Ensure that the shoes fit snugly without pinching or squeezing your feet. Avoid excessively tight heels, as they can cause blisters and discomfort.

2. Opt for Thick Heels

Stilettos may look stunning, but they place immense pressure on the ball of your foot. Opt for high heels with thicker heels, as they provide better stability and distribute your weight more evenly.

3. Invest in Quality Brands

Investing in well-known and reputable brands will guarantee that your high heels are made from high-quality materials and designed with comfort in mind. Quality heels are often crafted with added cushioning and support.

4. Break Them In Gradually

New high heels can be stiff and rigid, causing discomfort. To avoid this, wear your heels around the house for short periods to gradually break them in and allow the shoes to adjust to your feet.

5. Use Gel Inserts

Gel inserts are a lifesaver for high heel wearers. These soft cushions can be placed in the ball of your foot or along the sole to provide extra support and reduce pressure on certain areas.

6. Cushion with Moleskin

Moleskin is a fantastic material for padding areas that are prone to blisters or rubbing. Apply moleskin to the back of your heels or any other potential problem areas to prevent discomfort.

7. Try Toe Taping

Taping your third and fourth toes together can alleviate pressure on the ball of your foot. It may sound unconventional, but many swear by this method to make high heels more bearable.

8. Use Strappy Styles for Support

Strappy high heels provide more support for your feet, ankles, and legs. The extra straps help secure your feet in place and reduce strain on your arches.

9. Stretch Your Feet Regularly

Throughout the day, take some time to stretch your feet and toes. Simple exercises like toe curls and ankle rotations can help prevent cramping and discomfort.

10. Alternate with Flats

Give your feet a break by alternating between high heels and comfortable flats. This will allow your feet to rest and recover from the strain of wearing heels.

11. Elevate Your Feet

After a long day in high heels, elevate your feet to reduce swelling and soothe any discomfort. Lying down with your feet elevated above your heart will promote better blood circulation.


High heels don’t have to be a torture device. By following these 11 ways to make high heels more comfortable, you can confidently wear your favorite pair without experiencing pain and discomfort. Remember to prioritize your comfort without compromising your style.


  1. Can I make my high heels more comfortable with insoles? Yes, gel inserts and cushioned insoles are great additions to increase comfort.

  2. How long does it take to break in a new pair of high heels? It varies from person to person, but it’s recommended to gradually wear them for a few hours each day until they feel comfortable.

  3. Do thicker heels provide better stability than stilettos? Yes, thicker heels distribute your weight more evenly, providing better stability and reducing strain on your feet.

  4. Can toe taping really help with high heel comfort? Many people find toe taping effective in reducing pressure on the ball of the foot and increasing comfort.

  5. Should I avoid wearing high heels altogether if they are uncomfortable? While it’s essential to prioritize comfort, following the tips mentioned in the article can help make high heels more bearable.

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